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Fitness kickboxing classes mixed with a variety of exercises, including: core strength, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), circuit training, strength training, and cardio conditioning.
FITNESS KICKBOXINGFitness kickboxing classes mixed with a variety of exercises, including: core strength, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), circuit training, strength training, and cardio conditioning. | INSTRUCTOR-LED CLASSESInstructors provide training on proper technique to maximize your workout and reduce the likelihood of injury. | HEAVY BAG WORKHeavy bags provide resistance to help you build strength and burn more calories. |
FOCUS MITTSFocus mitts help improve coordination and allow for more free-flowing movement. | PLYOMETRICSDifferent types of cardio training are incorporated to increase stamina. | BODYWEIGHT EXERCISESBodyweight exercises are incorporated into each workout to help target specific muscle groups. |
CIRCUIT TRAININGCircuit training allows you to build muscle and cardio strength. | ABS & COREThe end of almost every class is dedicated to building a strong core. | STRETCHINGAfter each class, stretching helps relax tight muscles and increase flexibility. |
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